Looking to achieve success despite the odds? You've come to the right place! Take these valuable tips to make sure you're nailing your next interview
Before the Interview:
Meeting Tools- During the remote job interview process, you may be interviewed over a platform you’ve never heard of before. So do your research, and download it for a test run. Be sure to avoid using other applications within your computer during a video interview to avoid slow connection issues, unless you’ll be sharing your screen to show off a recent project, accomplishment, or sample technical test.
Have the Personal Meeting ID Handy - When joining a Zoom conference call, the callers enter a personal meeting ID. This should be inside the calendar invitation the hiring manager sent you, including detailed instructions for joining the Zoom call. As a job seeker, you don’t want to be late to the call, be sure to have this handy before your interview!
Charge Your Laptop- This might seem obvious, but it's not. Make sure your laptop is plugged in, it can interrupt the interview if you have to run to another room to grab your charging cable. Making the conversation hard to feel "engaged" with, on behalf of the hiring manager or interviewer.
Internet Connectivity- If you are using wi-fi, close all open web browsers and make sure other people in your residence are not using the internet for activities like streaming television or other activities that require a high internet connection. Generally, you will want to use an ethernet cord to guarantee that you will have a reliable internet connection throughout the interview.
Lights, Camera, Action!- A shadowy, mysterious figure can feel scary and unprofessional on the other end of the video call. If the lighting is terrible, you may want to position a few lamps beside your computer so that the interviewer can clearly see your face. The objective is to make sure that the candidate and your friendly expressions can be witnessed when the live interview takes place. You may even want to consider getting a small, clip on ring light like the Benbilry Clip On Selfie Ring Light, to give you a bit more pop! I have one and use it regularly.
You should also check that your background is neat and tidy and clear of any distracting possessions as you don’t want to be seen as a messy or disorganized person. Make sure you aren’t sitting on your recliner chair, and position your webcam at eye level or a bit higher, so you are looking right at the interviewer and not down at them.
Dress Code- It may be tempting to wear sweatpants since the interviewer will never see that part of you. However, you want to avoid this and dress completely. Treat your video call like any other interview. Dress for success and you will most likely act more professional than if you are wearing casual clothing.
Know the Interviewer - When interviewing, having an idea of who the interviewer is will be beneficial. Tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, and other professional social media platforms can help to uncover who the interviewer is, about their professional accomplishments, specialties, former places of work, and so on. Don’t worry this isn't considered “stalking” and generally indicates a constructive interest in learning about potential colleagues and the organization. When using these tools, try to ask the following questions about the interviewer: What are they currently working on? Do they share mutual connections in the industry? What parts of the sector are they interested in? What parts of the organization do they operate in?
During the Interview:
Body Language -Your body language says a lot about you, so make sure you’re aware of how you’re presenting yourself and know how to make your body language work to your benefit.
Smile. Smile. Smile. - Smiling has been proven to make people likable, so why not start with a bright and happy smile, whether you're excited, anxious, nervous, or eager? With that being said, be sure not to scare them off by smiling constantly, but act as you would in person and express your passion for the position you are seeking. The way that you appear on the screen is very important during a video interview. With both feet on the floor, make sure to sit up straight, so you look alert and professional. When you're anxious, you may fidget, but it's important to refrain from these behaviors, as it will be distracting to the interviewer. When you are talking to the interviewer, you should make sure you’re looking directly at them and keeping eye contact. It might feel strange at first, but when you're talking to the interviewer, you need to look straight at the camera, so they see you're looking directly at them.
Make Notes - On Paper! - Just like in any interview, have a pen and paper to take notes. This is a typical mistake that video interviewees or interviewers make, thinking that when they have a virtual meeting, they don't need to write notes. Taking notes will show your interviewer that you are not fidgeting or losing focus. As well as help you to ingest the conversation and ensure you ask the right questions at the end. Another reason to avoid taking notes on your laptop during a video interview is that the typing sounds can be picked up by your laptop’s mic, potentially distracting your interviewer. Plus, there are several brands and models of PCs, where the webcam is on the bottom corner of the screen, so the fingers that will be typing are actually at eye-level on video!
Know When to Use Mute - A noisy home can be annoying for the interviewer, this can be a dog barking or a child crying. When this happens, know where the mute button is on Zoom and use it. This will help the interviewer feel less distracted in the conversation.
Ending the Interview:
Finish strong -The way you end the video interview will set the stage for your desired role, so make sure you end on a high note. If you do not have the email address of the interviewer, ask for it now so you can send a thank-you message.
Follow up - When you’re finished with the interview, in the next 24 hours after the interview is complete, write a thank you message. In general, use this message as an opportunity to show your interest in the position and show you have a passion for getting hired. This may include a mention of any questions you might have regarding the role or the interview process.
Looking for a more personalized approach? We can help!
Visit https://www.brunswikst.com/product-page/interview-preparation and learn all the tips you need to get through any interview with ease and how to tell YOUR story cohesively. Our coaching will prepare you for a variety of interviews including phone screens, in-person and virtual. We look forward to speaking with you soon!